First United

The Heart of Christ in the Heart of Loveland: a space and community restoring relationships between God, creation and humanity.
Meet the Leadership

From the left: Amy Edwards (clerk), Shirley Plumb (Building & Grounds), Kellie Weihman (Worship), June Santiago (Finance and Stewardship), Ali Santiago (Mission and Social Justice/Faith Formation) Ashley Kasprzak (Special Projects) Front: Debby Morehead (Personnel)
Not pictured: Paula Waldorf (Mission and Social Justice)
Elders are elected to serve a three-year term and they comprise the church board known in Presbyterian parlance as Session. They nurture our congregation to help keep its life vibrant and dynamic part of our whole community. They also lead teams of volunteers for the following areas: Building & Grounds, Faith Formation, Finance and Stewardship, Mission & Social Justice, Personnel, and Worship.

From the left: Ann Franke, Jason Morgan, Vickie Robinson, Will Haight, John Santiago. Not pictured: Barbara Losche.
Our Deacons are living out a core belief that living in Christ-centered community means loving in a Christ-centered way through compassionate outreach and ministering to the people of our congregation. The six Deacons are elected for two-year terms. The Deacons coordinate caring for the needs of our community, maintain the prayer chain, send cards, visit members who are hospitalized or homebound and assist the pastor with communion, welcome visitors and new members.